Pink dresses,...pink ties,...shirts, wristbands even whistles. No, it's not a Mary Kay convention, it's the WBCA Pink Zone. Teams all over the country will change out their traditional school colors for pink jerseys in support of the WBCA's initiative which is a global, unified effort for the WBCA's nation of coaches to assist in raising breast cancer awareness on the court, across campuses, in communities and beyond. The week set aside for this years initiative is February 12-21 which coincides with ESPN's February Frenzy/Rivalry Week.
The WBCA began the WBCA Pink Zone, formerly known as "Think Pink" in 2007 as an initiative to raise breast cancer awareness in women's basketball, on campuses and communities. The late Kay Yow, former North Carolina State University head women's basketball coach, served as the catalyst for the initiative after her third recurrence of breast cancer in 2006.
On Valentine's Day, February 14th, I attended the Georgia vs. Alabama women's basketball game and witnessed the spectacle of pink first hand. You can add to your collection of gear from the WBCA Pink Zone Concept Shop. Basketballs, signage, mouthpieces and many products in between are offered to build an individuals own personal stash or an organization wanting to make a Pink Zone event successful. You can also check out merchandise offered for the Kay Yow/WBCA Cancer Fund concept shop. Included in this shop is the Nike Kay Yow collection offering footwear, apparel and equipment. In addition, books, jewelry, throws and the "When Life Kicks You" Collection from the late Kay Yow, round out a host of products available. A portion of all sales benefit the Kay Yow WBCA Cancer Fund.
Breast cancer and the color pink is not new. We are all familiar with the month of October being recognized as breast health awareness. We are also familiar with organizations like the NFL and some of it's high profile players wearing pink cleats, shoelaces or wristbands to draw attention to the cause. But nothing quite draws attention like some of these collegiate programs taking it a step further and completely cladding themselves head to toe with pink for a day. It's a marvelous sight!
Being a woman and an athlete it's especially satisfying. Almost all of us know personally or indirectly someone diagnosed,...fighting the disease,...recovering or someone who has lost the battle of breast cancer. It would be nice to see the WBCA Pink Zone initiative continue and crossover into other venues. How about volleyball players using a pink net? Soccer athletes playing with a pink ball? Softball outfitting themselves with pink bats and visors, pink lacrosse and field hockey sticks? How about gymnastic equipment pink for a day? Pink pucks? Pink hurdles? The possibilities are endless. It can be pink overload but if it's done over a two week period, a week in October and one in February, it just might help ease the overwhelming and possibly annoying pink overkill. I'm in! I welcome a break from the norm. I believe athletic endeavors should be tailored to the fans as well as the participants why stick completely to the same blueprints everybody else is doing. Add originality! Make the games relevant to the audience, perhaps it will gain new fans as well.
The WBCA Pink Zone initiative runs through February 21, so there is still time to catch a game in your area. If you miss it this year be sure and don your pink in support of this cause for 2011.
Be sure and access the photo gallery below for more pictures of this fantastic day!
Photo Gallery: Women's Basketball vs. Alabama (2/14/10) - Official Athletics Site of the University of Georgia Bulldogs
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